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Meet Our Editorial Team

Picture of Clancy Aboud - Head Editor

Clancy Aboud - Head Editor

I am a third-year residential student here at Drew’s. This year I’m keen to hear a diversity of perspectives as we aim to push the parameters of the blog, encouraging anyone to write about absolutely anything that matters to them. I have a deep passion for journalism, rooted particularly in the field of sports, and I am excited to bring my expertise to this platform. Growing up, both the Channel 9 and Matty Johns Footy Shows took up a lot of screen time in our living room and have laid a strong foundation for my love of sports talk. I’ve long admired influential personalities such as Lara Pitt and Yvonne Sampson, both of whom are prominent women in the field of sports journalism. Originally from Burrawang, I have always been drawn to storytelling and the power of the written word to connect people from different backgrounds. Whether you are an aspiring journalist, a die-hard sports fan, or simply have something you want people to hear, I encourage you to contribute to this blog and be a part of the Drew’s News family.

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Picture of Toby Freeman - Editor

Toby Freeman - Editor

I am a third-year residential student at Drew's, currently pursuing a degree in Commerce/Law at UNSW. Writing has always been a passion of mine, covering a diverse range of topics from social issues and economics to sports. It's a way for me to gain new insights and perspectives. This year, I envision Drew’s News as a platform that not only allows individuals to express their passions and interests but also fosters the exchange of knowledge and ideas. I believe this can be achieved by encouraging a wide range of people to contribute articles, thus enriching the platform with diverse perspectives and insights.

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Picture of Arya Moodley - Editor

Arya Moodley - Editor

I am currently a second-year residential student at college. Growing up in Perth, my parents encouraged me to read newspaper articles, particularly from the New York Times, the Economist or Time Magazine, which became staples at our family kitchen table. It is my love for journalism that inspired me to partake in writing my own pieces and experiment with different writing styles, whether that was poetry, opinion pieces, debates, or speech writing. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Laws/Arts at the University of Sydney, majoring in Politics, I aim to merge my political knowledge with my passion for journalism to bring a fresh and intersectional perspective on politics and current affairs. This year, I envision Drew’s News as a vibrant platform amplifying the diverse voices within our college community, fostering open dialogue, and sharing the rich tapestry of experiences and opinions among our students. I urge everyone to embrace their voice and just have a go, even if you don’t believe you are a ‘writer.’

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Picture of Austin Wallace – Editor

Austin Wallace – Editor

I am a third-year student at St Andrew’s College, studying Physiotherapy at Sydney University. Writing and editing provide me with a nuanced creative outlet whilst studying the sciences, where answers are often black and white. Having grown up and lived overseas for an extended period, engaging in diverse living environments in Australia upon returning, I have always been fascinated by the stories and voices of others. Reading and editing provide the opportunity to assist others in conveying their unique stories as well as allowing me an aperture to experience the interlaced individual expression in the writing of others which truly excites me. In my own writing, I have a keen interest in the future of healthcare, adventure, and explorative cuisine which, I am thrilled to be further exploring throughout this year and sharing with the blog. Ultimately, Drew’s News to me is an opportunity for everyone to express and challenge themselves. Whether you consider yourself a linguistic aficionado or not, writing is a powerful way to explore and share one’s passions, that I would implore all students try their hands at and become a Drew’s News contributor.

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