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Pandemic Panic: How fear brings out prejudice

Kiran Gupta unpacks the global panic surrounding the COVID-19 Coronavirus and looks at the implications of mainstream and social media coverage on the virus and its impact. It is becoming increasingly inevitable that the COVID-19 Coronavirus is going to spread all over the world and at some pace. A significant number of people will die…

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It’s NOT Time To Say Goodbye

Bumping along in the back of an open-roofed truck down a dusty road through the Zimbabwean bush, we were about to burst with excitement, but had to maintain absolute silence. We had spent the morning exploring the beautiful Matobo National Park with its unique geological formations and fascinating history with the Bushmen of sub-Saharan Africa.…

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Everyone at Drew’s is talented in one way or another. Whether it’s athletically, academically, musically, socially… you get the gist, everyone here is pretty much brilliant at what they do. Being in such an inspiring environment got me wondering, what is my special talent? And after thinking long and hard, I concluded that I’m ok…

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A Discussion on Cultural Relativism

‘Discussing cultural relativism with cultural relativists is like playing tennis with some guy who says, “your ace is just a social construct.” ’ - Mark Steyn In an increasingly politically sensitive world, often we find ourselves judging other people, cultures and walks of life but then instantly asking, are we justified in doing that?…

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Perennial Flux of the World Order

In realising the complicated nature of the world around us, it is often too easy to dismiss geo-political interactions as random; perhaps devoid of logic. However in actuality, State behaviour can be characterised by specific ideological traits. The most common of these ideologies, that has stood the test of time, is Realism. As defined by…

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College – a new perspective

The practices and even placement of colleges on university land has polarised wider media for many decades. Most people will already have a fairly fixed view on the colleges at the University of Sydney. While it is not my place to even attempt to change that, I believe that there is a story that is…

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