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Our Long Road To Justice

As part of Reconciliation Week, Jack Lynch analyses the road to reconciliation and how far we have come. To Australians, reconciliation is coming to be understood as more than just an apology.  First Nations affairs have seen an undisputed and imperative increase in prominence. Every institution I have been fortunate enough to be a part…

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Sorry Day: Why Saying Sorry isn’t Enough

As we commemorate National ‘Sorry Day’, Kiran Gupta assesses the progress that has been made in achieving justice for First Nations Australians and presents some further changes to be made. Australia’s treatment of First Nations Australians has been abhorrent. There’s no sugar-coating it. From the Myall Creek Massacre to the Stolen Generations, our history is…

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The Dystopian Continuum

Emily Hewitt-Park explains how the two sides of the dystopian fiction continuum aren’t that disparate after all. When considering the realms of literature, theatre and film, it is commonplace to encounter a moral dichotomy with stories situated on two ends of a fictional continuum.  On one side we have narratives with affirming, positive anecdotes which…

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International Women’s Day 2021: No Choice But Change

Emily Tyrrell reflects on International Women’s Day and the reality that a woman in 2021 Australia must face. Each year, International Women’s Day selects a theme to reflect the milieu. This year, they’ve picked ‘choose to challenge’, their rationale being that a ‘challenged world is an alert world and from challenge comes change’. This statement doesn’t sit well with…

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