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Are You Doing a ‘Dumb’ Degree?

Let me introduce you to Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences.  Published by psychologist Howard Gardner in 1983, ‘Frames of Mind’ is a detailed investigation into the concept of intelligence, in which Gardner puts forth his theory that human intelligence can be differentiated into the following modalities: logical-mathematical, linguistics, musical, spatial, bodily-kinaesthetic, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. …

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The Importance of being Earnest

Around 380 BC, Plato wrote the Gorgias, a fictional dialogue between Socrates and a group of sophists at a dinner party. The work follows the principle of Plato’s other dialogues: the group debates amongst themselves about the true nature of political rhetoric through the Socratic method. Both Socrates and Plato believed earnestly in the intellectual…

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