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Oakstand: Part I

Simon: [After a pause, to MAL] I take it you’ll be barracking for Labor tonight? Mal: [Looking at him] Well I don’t anticipate yelling myself hoarse, but I’m certainly hoping for a change of government. I take it we all are?1 • Don’s Party, David Williamson, 1971   1. The left-hand of Oakstand.   28th…

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Chimeric Blink

“The whole procedure will take roughly twenty minutes. You’ll feel a slight pressure behind your eyes.” Dr Abram peers through bushy black lashes and narrow, wire-rimmed spectacles, his face contorting into an expression of concern. A neuroscience researcher, it’s no mystery why he didn’t pursue general practice. This strange, neurotic little man’s weirdly contrived attempts…

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DANCER, FIGHTER  The lamp rests steady  Behind a sea of black lingers. The flame, dances and rides, Upon the rhythm of passing breeze Bringing a light, A little bit of warmth, To the surrounding darkness. And for long the flame rages Neatly seated in her little glass cage, Petit to any wandering eye Yet ferocious…

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The Myth of Genius

I am so sick of people asking me for an explanation. People can’t seem to wrap their minds around creativity – my genius. Even after I explained myself. He knew I was a genius. You can’t explain genius to someone who isn’t one; that’s what I have learned in the past few weeks. I’m an…

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It would be a week before the smell of rot would alert the worker on my grandfather’s farm to what had happened – to what I had done. The body of Holden was found crumpled and bloodied in a silo of grain by Hugh on his monthly equipment check-up – he noticed the stench and…

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Time in Orbit – The Rise of Lyra

Three stalled raps against the wood – With this familiar knock, Professor John Lark was pulled from his trance; the dense and difficult theories saturating his mind instantly faded from thought. He transferred his gaze from the charts sprawled across his desk to the girl who lingered at the door. “Dad, I can’t sleep.” Stella…

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